Sunday 25 January 2009

I did have something in my tummy!

VETS are useless. All because of the man with the limp Berry has been having extra rations while I have been starving... in silence! He said that he saw something inside her tummy, but although my tummy is not nearly as flabby as Berry's he couldn't see anything inside mine (and no it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I was trying to bite him at the time!)

This is particularly outrageous as it turns out that I did have something inside my tummy - PIGLETS - though how they got there I've no idea. They are beautiful though, don't you think? Much more beautiful than Berry's (yes she had some too.)
See the attached video of my piglets in the ark with me and Emma.
I told Emma that to make up for this grave error she now has to give me double rations, and she is doing - she must be feeling very guilty.



Anonymous said...

They look so cute! I am thinking about buying a pig myself, but i don't really know which type to go for, any suggestions? x

Anonymous said...

Well thank you for your comment Jessica. You are absolutely right my piglets are adorable. That is why your next question confuses me ... The Berkshire piglets are clearly the ones to go for. Emma says I mustn't be 'breedist' and that I must tell you all about the other rare breeds. I told her you can look them up on the Emma's Pigs website( ) if you want - but I'm just telling the truth!

Jessica said...

Ok. Thanks!
How much do new born Piglets usually cost?x

Acorn said...

Hi Jessica,

Our piglets are priceless - you must undersatnd that. However if you were talking about Rare Breed piglets in general they would vary depending upon age, sex, size, breed, markings, and pedigree registration. They can cost anything from £50 to £100+

Emma says our Saddleback pigs are due to farrow in June so if you are interested in these please email her on

John said...

Really liked your blog, found it very amusing well done keep it up
