Monday, 7 February 2011

Large Blacks indeed!

These little pigs came just before Christmas.

I don't normally mind Emma getting more pigs, as long as they know their place. These pigs, however, are getting on my wick!

'We're Large Blacks' they keep saying as though that's supposed to impress me.

When I treated this coment with the contempt it deserved they went on to say that some chap called Parkinson once said 'They are distinguished by their gigantic size, they are the largest of the kind I have ever seen'.

Well all I can say is he should have gone to Spec Savers. These pigs are not Large Blacks, they are Barely Bigger than a Bucket Blacks!


Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011? - No way!!!

When Emma came to see me this morning, she admired my new born piglets (as they are very beautiful) and then she said "It's 2011 now Acorn".

We'll I know I've had a lot of piglets over the years, but there's no way I've had 2011.

Don't they even teach them how to count at school!
