Monday 16 March 2009

Out Exploring

Hello my name's Babe and I'm a Little Berry.

I know people think it's a little confusing that all us piglets are called Babe, but it's actually a very sensible system. E.g. Emma's Dad is always calling her by the wrong name. Sometimes he calls her Claire (that's her sister's name) and sometimes he calls her Ben (that's her brother's name!) and sometimes he calls her something else altogether ... Emma won't spell it for me so you'll have to guess! We pigs never have that problem!

Anyway all you need to know about me is that I am the biggest, bravest, and altogether Best Babe.

While the others are playing about, I go off exploring. I have found out how to sneak out of our run (though I do keep scratching myself on the barbed wire!) and I've been visiting all the other pigs. There are some very funny looking pigs here, I can tell you. Some white pigs have really squashed noses and huge ears and they make a very squeaky sound, (They're called Middle Whites). Others are bright orange and have very long noses (Apparently they're called Tamworths) and some even have ears, which flop down over their eyes so they can't see their food. How sad is that!

I must go now as Emma is coming with our food and I will only be able to remain the biggest and the best if I keep eating more than my fair share of the grub.

Bye for now,
